VFX Lunches in the Park

Just a reminder that we will be continuing our lunch time meet-ups in St. Anne's Churchyard. The forecast for tomorrow says chance of rain. If it does rain we will move into the Plaza Food Court Area on Oxford St.  We will make the call 30 mins before hand if it looks like rain and I will tweet the move to the Plaza. Fingers crossed for the to sun win out. Our original initiator of the meetings is away, so instead of a green flag please look for someone in a green jumper and a big smile!Come on out and meet up to discuss the latest industry news and meet other BECTU members. We will also have more flyers if you'd like more to distribute or haven't gotten a chance to see one yet.

1:00-2:00pm Thursday at

The Jurassic Church

(St. Anne’s Church Courtyard, Wardour Street)

 Hope to see you there!