VFXForum Living Wage calculator for Nuke!
UPDATED! Now works in Nuke, Maya, Houdini and anything that uses Python!
Is unpaid overtime driving down your hourly rate below the Living Wage?
One of the problems with unpaid overtime in the visual effects industry is that although we frequently work an extra hour or two (or six!), very few of us stop and think about the effect on our wages. It never occurs to most people that an extra 2 hours in the evening effectively means being paid 20% less per hour!For example, if someone is on an annual salary of £20K and they are working 40 hours per week, that works out to £9.62 per hour. This is OK. This VFX employee is earning just above the London Living Wage for the hours they put in at work.But what if that same person on £20K ends up working an extra 20 hours of unpaid overtime one week? At this point, they are not only making well below the London Living Wage at £6.41 per hour, but now they are earning below the National Living Wage and that is actually illegal.BECTU campaigns for every worker in the UK's profitable Film and TV industries to be paid the London Living Wage (£9.40 per hour) as an absolute minimum and if people are being paid less than that because of unpaid overtime, we'd like to know about it.It is illegal for you to be earning less than the National Living Wage which is currently £7.20 for people aged 25 and over or £6.70 for people aged 21-24. If you are earning less than this, then please let BECTU know. BECTU can help to take legal steps to ensure that employees are earning at least the National Living Wage and we will do it without identifying you personally.
So now for the fun bit...
Would you like a quick and easy way to calculate what you're making per hour after factoring in unpaid overtime? We've knocked together a little Nuke script which will make calculating your hourly rate easy peasy lemon squeezy!Download the text for our HourlyRateCalculator and copy/paste it in to your Nuke script. It will look like this:Simply enter your annual salary and the hours you work per week
Load it in to the Viewer to see your calculated hourly rate.
There you go! I hope you all find this little Nuke script useful and illuminating. Play around with it. Try out different values for your salary and hours and see what comes out. The HourlyRateCalculator can be a valuable tool for people at all levels of experience and pay grades. Maybe that extra £2K they're offering you to promote you to Lead on the next show is not going to be all that great once you factor in all the free overtime the facility will be expecting!Please feel free to share this script with anyone and everyone in VFX. Go ahead and install it in your Nuke Plug Ins so you can check your hours any time you need to!
Update 1! Now available to download as a .nk file from Nukepedia!
Download the HourlyRateCalculator here!
Update 2! Here is the same calculator as a Python script - which you can use in Nuke, Maya, Houdini and other Python friendly apps!
HourlyRateCalculator (Python)
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