Soho VFX lunchtime meetup

Something’s been happening in Soho for the last month or so. Every Thursday from 1:00-2:00 we gather in the courtyard of St. Anne’s Church (a.k.a. “Jurassic Church” on Wardour Street nr. Shaftesbury Avenue) for an informal vfx lunchtime meetup.


Visual effects BECTU members and people who just work in visual effect are meeting up every Thursday to talk about the union and issues that are interesting to people who work in the visual effects industry here in London.

It started small with just four of us about a month ago. There’s dozens of us now and more people join us every week. Come along and help us keep the momentum going!

Let’s face it… because we are organising quietly at the moment, the visual effects union movement looks (to non-members) like it has stalled out. Everybody is waiting around for something to happen and it ain’t happening. The problem is that the visual effects union is like a secret society that’s so secret, even the members don’t know who’s in it or what’s going on. This is a chance to change that from the ground up by connecting with like minded people and creating a grassroots movement ourselves. 

It’s already happening. Please come and join us every Thursday from 1:00-2:00. Bring a sandwich or some sushi and just have a chat. All are welcome.

Look for the green flag. 
