Thursday Lunchtime VFX Meetup!

1:00-2:00 Thursday at The Jurassic Church

(St. Anne's, Wardour Street, nr. Shaftesbury Ave.)

No doubt about it, the weather sucked last Thursday. Right around 1:00pm, the heavens opened and the downpour came to dampen our lunchtime meetup. D'oh! We had leaflets and everything!But all was not lost. One of our gang had the brilliant idea of moving at the last minute to The Plaza on Oxford Street and a quick Tweet later, the now legendary Thursday Lunchtime VFX Meetup went ahead unabated in new and dry surroundings!Some regulars were there and some new people came by to pick up a leaflet or two (hundred) and it all was quite nice having real chairs to sit on and everything. We've decided from now on that if the weather sucks, we move to The Plaza foodcourt. Always good to have a meetup-backup plan!So this week the weather is looking better and the Thursday Lunchtime Meetup is on track for another good turnout. This is the place for all you VFX BECTU members and people who work in visual effects to get together and talk about the industry and what difference you think a union might make. Will you join us?What the hell? Come by and check out what all the fuss is about! Grab something to eat and and pop 'round to meet up with fellow VFX people at... 

1:00-2:00pm Thursday at

The Jurassic Church

(St. Anne's, Wardour Street)

Look for the green flag!


We are going to be here this Thursday and every Thursday to help connect and motivate people who work in London visual effects! 

See you there! Bring along a friend! Make new friends! Take away some leaflets!