UK VFX Union exploding (in a good way)

The Thursday VFX Lunch Meet is going stronger than ever! If you haven't been to one yet, you're missing out! Since we started doing this every week, more and more people are coming along and membership in BECTU is exploding!


Now that the summer weather has well and truly left us, we needed to move the weekly meet up from the Jurassic Church to an indoor venue, and we think we've found the perfect place!

PlazaIMG_5387Come join us for lunch and a chat every Thursday from 1:00-2:00

the food court @

The Plaza

Oxford Street

We've been trying out the meeting at the Plaza for a month now and it's turned out to be a great place to do this. It's central. It's free. There's lots of room. There's food there if you want to buy something or you can bring your own if you like. Easy peasy!

The Thursday VFX Lunch Meet is a terrific opportunity to network every week with BECTU members and other vfx people curious to know more about the union. This meet up is for absolutely everybody interested in improving the Visual Effects Industry for the better

One reason the Visual Effects Union has been slow to take off in the past is because we never had an opportunity to get together to meet and talk to each other regularly.

The Thursday VFX Lunch Meet has changed all that! This is really working! Lots of people show up every week to talk about what's happening in our industry (and there's a lot happening right now!). Interested? Come by this Thursday and say hello. Bring a friend.

Look for the green flag!
