Unionisation at MPC!


BREAKING NEWS! The VFX branch of BECTU has given formal notice to MPC's management that the Compositing Department at MPC are unionising, and will be applying for union recognition.Yesterday (2nd Dec. 2015), MPC responded to this, and called the entire comp department (over 130 people) into a short meeting. They announced that the company had received a petition from BECTU for recognition of the union for the comp department. They announced that they will begin negotiations with BECTU, and that they intend to fight this bid for union recognition. They took no questions, and made no attempt to justify the excessive unpaid overtime in the VFX industry, or other issues that have made this recognition bid necessary.What does this mean? It means IT’S ON! Yes – this is really happening!Whilst MPC's announcement that they intend to dispute the bid is somewhat disappointing, it's no surprise either, and we were prepared for this. It came across as more of a delaying tactic than as a legitimate issue. We’ve got a fight ahead of us – but it’s a fight the union has fought before, and can win again. In gathering so many VFX workers and making this something that the VFX companies can no longer ignore, we've already achieved a major victory!We need you! To all VFX workers here in London that have been quietly hoping for something to happen, well… THIS IS IT! Now is the time to get on board! This is our best and only chance at finally getting the change our industry so badly needs.We've been overwhelmed with hundreds of responses to our VFX petition, from every corner of the UK VFX industry. Now is the time to act.We would like to invite all VFX workers in all departments at MPC and other VFX companies in London to get on board. If you want to see change in our industry and you're interested in getting something going at your company or your department, then get in touch - we'd love to help.This is our moment! This is what we’ve all been working for! Join now and help finally change the industry for the better.


Come to the Thursday VFX Lunchtime Meetup today, 1:00-2:00 in the food court at The Plaza, Oxford Street to find out more! We've got lots to talk about! Look for the green flag!


Watch this space and @VFXUnionUK on Twitter for all the latest updates on this exciting and rapidly developing situation!