400 VFX professionals attend union meeting!

img_4328_editedOver 400 people who work in Londons Visual Effects industry attended a meeting set up by BECTU and its members. There were talks by representatives of BECTU and vfx union members about how unionisation can help not only the people who work in VFX, but also the facilities and the industry as a whole.Discussions centered around the recent bid for recognition by the Compositing department at MPC, the new bid for recognition by the Animation department at Framestore and the goal of total unionisation of the Visual Effects industry here in London and around the world.By the end of the evening we had an astonishing 100 new members join the VFX branch of BECTU! One BECTU representative said that this one union meeting smashed their previous record of 51 new members that BECTU has ever achieved from a single event!Come join us today at our usual Thursday VFX Lunch Meet in the food court at the Plaza, Oxford Street, W1 from 1:00-2:00. We've got a lot to celebrate and talk about!