JOIN THE DISCUSSION! This week’s topic: Contracts

In December, UK CEO Sarah Mackey stated that according to the Creative Skillset 2014 Workforce Survey '91% of the UK VFX workforce have a permanent contract'. However, our experience has been that this simply is not true for the vast majority of UK VFX workers.We took a closer look at the survey, and found that 38% of those permanent employees were classified as “senior/managers or supervisors,” and roughly a quarter (26%) considered themselves “professionals/executives.” The rest were supporting roles to VFX artists.The survey had 332 responses -  about 6% of the estimated 5300 UK VFX workers. We would respectfully suggest that 6% of the workforce isn’t a large enough sample to accurately represent the true state of the UK VFX industry.We believe that majority of VFX workers are on project based contracts, and we know how much stress and worry can come around with looming end dates every few months. Last week at our VFX lunch, we talked about contractual notice and we’d like to continue the discussion surrounding contracts.Is this an issue for you? Are you on a contract? Take our poll! Want to give your input on solutions? Please come to our weekly lunch meet-up where we will be discussing this topic this week. Come and join the discussion!

We will be meeting this Thursday 2 February  1:00 – 2:00 pm  @ The Plaza, Oxford Street

Look for the green flag


What Kind of Contract Do You Have?