Thursday VFX Lunchmeet back at the Jurassic Church today!

With London weather, you've gotta be prepared to grab some sunshine at a moments notice! Spring seems to be finally here and the weather is gorgeous, so we're moving the Thursday Lunchmeet back to the courtyard at St. Anne's Church on Wardour Street (a.k.a. The Jurassic Church)!

1:00-2:00 Thursday at The Jurassic Church

(St. Anne's, Wardour Street, nr. Shaftesbury Ave.)

 Grab a sandwich or some sushi, sit on the grass, soak up a little sunshine and chat about what's happening in the world of London VFX! Come along and tell us what you think about your experiences with the HourlyRateCalculator! It's going to be a beautiful day, and I'm promised the T-Rex will behave itself and stay in the enclosure the entire time. 

1:00-2:00pm Thursday at

The Jurassic Church

(St. Anne's, Wardour Street)


We are going to be here this Thursday and every Thursday to help connect and motivate people who work in London visual effects! 

See you there! Bring along a friend! Make new friends! The VFX Union can only work for you when you get involved!

Look for the green flag!
