VFX Union Mass Meeting - 22nd June!



Regents Hall 275 Oxford Street W1C 2 DJ

7:00pm - Wednesday, 22nd June 2016


VFX Union members and non members alike are invited for an opportunity to hear about all our work over the past year, to discuss and to give feedback, and to have your say on where the VFX branch should focus its efforts next.We're in the middle of a Visual Effects Industry Revolution! Our membership has exploded by over 500% in the last year and we need you to keep pushing this amazing momentum forward. If you're not a member, come along and find out what the visual effects union is all about! If you're already a member, bring a friend or two!We'll be talking about all the work that the VFX Branch has done over the past year, and what the coming year might hold. There'll be an opportunity for questions and feedback from the floor. This will be followed by a talk about the EU Referendum and the likely effects on the vfx industry in the case of a “leave” vote.Non members can join the union on the night and there will be a special members only voting session at the end of the event to elect branch officers and decide our priorities for 2016-17.Please sign up to attend here:VFX Union Mass MeetingjokerQuote4