Fantastic Beasts but where to find Crew Credits?

Once again many hard working vfx workers were unfortunately excluded from the latest VFX blockbuster hit "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."  The film, in its third weekend, has dominated the box office for Warner Brothers and has earned a massive $608M globally. Yet that money is not enough to convince Warner Brothers to include all the names of those who worked to create a land of magic and creatures entirely in CG.One has to wonder what Warner Brothers would do without the talent that creates the beasts, magic and 1920s New York City that makes Harry Potter such a blockbuster hit. The franchise was even nominated 3 times for visual effects oscars (2004, 2010, 2011) and with awards season fast approaching it would be no surprise if the latest J.K. Rowling installment was up again for visual effects nominations.Of the over 600 crew at lead vender Double Negative, less than half were credited. This is of course is after shoving all 277 credited names into a big block to fit as many people as possible on the roll. While we can applaud Double Negative intention to buy a Cinefex ad and include a full credit list, you have to wonder if the least a company could give for the blood, sweat and unpaid late nights that go into many films shouldn't at least bare minimum include credits for all cast and crew. The news was similar for Cinesite's crew with only around one-third in the credits. It's not all bad news though, for the smaller team housed at visual effects company MILK, around 90% of crew received credits.It's just more proof that the majority of the hardworking crew, who spend many late nights to develop an amazing well earning blockbuster, don't get the credit they deserve.