The Animation & VFX branch will be holding it’s AGM on Wednesday 24th August, 2022


We want to alert members to some key dates and happenings in the AVU world:

  • The Animation & VFX branch will be holding it’s AGM on Wednesday 24th August, 2022 in a Central London location so please save the date and keep an eye on your inbox for further details. With news of suspended pay rises at MPC and a new TV Drama Agreement, there will be plenty to talk about. For those of you who don’t know, the AGM is an important part on union business as it is an opportunity for branch members to hear from and elect a new committee, as well as set the priorities of the branch for the next 12 months.

  • We are surveying members to have a better understanding of where you all are, and what types of issues you think are most pressing. We strongly encourage you to complete the survey which can be found in the email sent to our members.

  • We are slowly migrating some of our communications to the Discord platform from Slack. Use this link to join the network via the link sent out to our members.

  • As well as the Discord, we have a presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as our own website. We use these sites to broadcast our message and be something of a shopfront to prospective members so please share widely with friends and colleagues and help us grow our branch!

  • Finally, some of you may be aware of the ongoing negotiations between Bectu and PACT over new terms for a TV Drama Agreement. After close to 18 months of negotiations, a new offer has been put forward by PACT, one that we are recommending our members reject. To learn more about this we are holding 2 all member webinars on: Wednesday 20th July at 7.30pm and Thursday 21st July at 7.30pm. Link in email sent to members.

This is quite a lot of info for a record hottest day here in the UK, so we appreciate you making it this far down the email.

Kind regards,

The AVU Committee

VFX branch