AVU launches new Ethical Animation and VFX Charter

AVU launches new Ethical Animation and VFX Charter


29 March 2021

The Animation and VFX Union (AVU) – powered by BECTU – are excited to announce the launch of their Ethical Animation & VFX Charter.

Close to 12 months ago, our sector faced extraordinary upheaval when Animation and VFX employers cut through their workforce behind the smokescreen of Covid-19.

Since then, the AVU has created an Ethical Animation and VFX Charter to outline the issues that need addressing to improve our industry. The aim is to get employers and other industry bodies to sign up to the goals in the charter. These goals cover fair pay, social justice and sustainability, respect and protections for workers in this industry.

Joe Pavlo, the Chair of the AVU Branch of Bectu said:

“The VFX and Animation industries are full of creative, tech-savvy professionals, who love their craft. It is an exciting, fast-moving industry, but – sometimes – it also has features that are not found in industries that are sustainable and fair towards their workers.

“This Charter outlines our goals as a union and what we feel needs addressing. We want to work with employers to improve our industry. We believe that there is nothing in here that any good employer would not sign up to, and it is something that the majority of workers in our industry can get behind.”

The AVU will work with employers and other industry bodies to sign up to this basic charter. Where necessary, our union will encourage workers in the industry to stick together to achieve these aims.

For further enquiries, please contact animvfxunion@gmail.com

Download the Charter.