What if I don't work much VFX overtime?

Not everyone has the same issues or problems while working in visual effects. There has been a lot of discussion on the topic of overtime, but what if you don't work a lot of overtime? What can the union do for you, you might ask. While we have answered this topic on our FAQ page, there are still many things that union can do for you.

  • When you join, you get access to lawyers and the experience of BECTU. They can help answer contract questions and generally advise you in all areas of UK working laws and employee rights.
  • If you have issues at work, BECTU can come and help represent you with your employer as your advocate.
  • You'll also be part of a growing network of UK colleagues who come together to discuss issues and talk about related VFX topics.
  • The union could negotiate to ensure our members receive credits on films, as other unions have organized for their members.
  • Furthermore there are a lot other benefits that collective bargaining can achieve beyond OT issues including better sick/holiday/flex-time benefits and redundancy packages in case of layoffs or better contractual notice (a topic we have recently posted about.) and lots of other changes that can improve your work conditions and strengthen the industry as a whole.
  • There are even some great discounts and offers that you as a member receive, including an Apple Store discount. See BECTU's website for details.


This is still something you can contribute on. Please come to our weekly lunch and discuss with your vfx colleagues what you'd like to see come out of an agreement between workers and visual effects companies. You are the union - get involved! Also, please Take our latest poll on contracts!


We will be meeting this Thursday 11 February  1:00 – 2:00 pm  @ Kingley Ct, Carnaby St. 

Look for the green flag


What Kind of Contract Do You Have?

From our FAQ Page:

What if I don't work much VFX overtime?

Then you’re very lucky! However, remember that this is issue is not just about you – it’s about your friends and colleagues too.How many of them have you seen regularly working late without pay? How often do you see them queueing up for the company dinner in your office each evening, especially around a deadline? Do you feel comfortable about that? Try asking some of them about the comments from the MPC Variety article or the VFX overtime survey – how many of them are genuinely happy about working conditions in the VFX industry right now?You don’t need to be working excessive VFX overtime yourself to agree with us that the industry needs to change.