Discounted Union Membership for a limited time only!

   Normally, your first years membership in the union is £10 per month but for a limited time, we have a special deal: Any new members working in VFX who join the union this week (before the end of the day on Sunday 14th Feb) will be able to join for a rate of £7.50 per month for the first year of membership! That's an annual savings of £30!You can do this online as long as you...

  • put "VFX Branch" as the answer to the question "Branch - if known"
  • tick "Freelance" as your employment status*
  • on stage 5a of the online application, you use this Promo Code: PBSSFY

If you're not freelance, it's OK. BECTU will confirm your employment details once the application has been received.  If you prefer to fill in a form and post it, you can click the image below to download a form to print out.