DNEG 'unilaterally' cuts wages by at least 20% for those above specified pay level


News has broken out the DNEG are to unilaterally cut staff wages by at least 20% for those who earn above a certain salary level. The Visual Effects and Animation studio instructs these cuts will last for a period of 12 months with DNEG claiming to review reversing cuts every 3 months, going off what the AVU has discovered. Employees have been strongly encouraged to agree to this cut. So far, we haven’t heard DNEG offer any consultation or the prospect of a return for such a drastic sacrifice that it expects their employees to burden. Judging by the language used it is voluntary, however, we all know contracts come to an end at some point…

If you work at another studio who is doing the same thing as DNEG then get in touch. We can offer advice.

At the Animation and Visual Effects Union, we understand that it is an incredibly hard time for everyone, including businesses, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The AVU is always here for everyone and offers any sort of dialogue between studios and employees. This decision to cut the wages of its employees by up to a quarter without any sort of consultation (we haven’t learned of anything as of this moment in time) is deeply worrying given the 12 month period they enforce. This could only be the beginning.

The AVU is currently taking swift action on this so please keep updated via our website and social media feeds (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram). We will update you as soon as we can on this situation!

If you are worried then don’t suffer in silence. Get in touch at animvfxunion@gmail.com

Please consider joining the Union during these troubling times. We are here for you 24/7 and need your help and support via your membership.

Join the AVU - A Branch of BECTU

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