Visual Effects & Animation Studios begin meeting overtime pay standard.

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Last year, during the Covid pandemic, DNEG attempted to cut wages and were successfully rebuffed by many of their staff who stuck together – staff doing so both with support from Bectu but also independently. Their subsequent round of redundancies was also briskly challenged by union members during which it was clear to the company that poor labour relations were costing the company money and goodwill.

Now they finally broken ranks and agreed to pay overtime rates for all work recorded over 40 hours in a week.

Unpaid overtime has been a plague of the VFX and Animation sectors and, following the 2021 launch of the Ethical Animation and VFX Charter, which stated….

“Nobody should have to work for free. We will work towards an end to unpaid overtime. Workers should be paid for each and every hour that they work.”

Let’s see who follows suit…

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